List of Theatrical related DVD's in 2004
Baywood 2004 - Baywood School Talent Show
Baywood school's annual talent show "A Comedy Tonight" held at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center March 12th.
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BowditchCharlieDVD 2004 - Bowditch School "Your A Good Man Charlie Brown"
Bowditch School's performance of "Your A Good Man Charlie Brown" at San Mateo, Februrary 2004
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HarkerRecitalDVD 2004 - Harker School Dance Recital
DVD of Harker School's Dance recital "LET'S SHOW 'EM" in March 2004
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JordanStageDoorDVD 2004 - Jordan School "Stage Door"
ordan school's presentation of "Stage Door" on March 5, 2004
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PleasantonSinginInRainDVD 2004 - Pleasanton Playhouse "Singing In The Rain"
Pleasanton Playhouse production of "Singing in the Rain" performed at the Amador Theatre
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RachelTanDVD 2004 - Rachel Tan Ballet recital
DVD of Rachel Tan Ballet recital on February 28 at Ohlone College.
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SerraLesMisDVD 2004 - Tri-School Productions "Les Miserables"
Juniper Serra, Mercy and Notre Dame combined production of "Les Miserables" School Edition. March 26th
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ATAdvd 2004 - Arial Tumbling & Acrobatics
Arial Tumbling & Acrobatics "Spring Celebration" on April 3rd in San Jose.
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AragonShksprDVD 2004 - Aragon "Chamber Music / Shakespeare Abridged
Aragon High School presentation of "Chamber Music" and "Shakespeare Abridged" March 26th
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BorelMattressDVD 2004 - Borel MS "Once Upon A Mattress"
Borel Middle School performance of "Once Upon A Mattress" at Bayside theatre on May 15th
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HillsdaleAnneFrankDVD 2004 - Hillsdale HS "Diary of Anne Frank"
Hillsdale High School performance of "Diary of Anne Frank" on April 29th
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MoreauCrazyDVD 2004 - Moreau HS "Crazy for You"
Moreau High School performance or "Crazy for You" on May 9th.
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MtnViewRecitalDVD 2004 - Mountain View High School Recital
Mountain View High School Recital "Broadway to the Big Screen & Beyond" at Foothill College on DVD
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StCatherineOliverDVD 2004 - St. Catherine's "Oliver"
St. Catherine's performance of "Oliver" on May 1st.
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ActDay5-14DVD 2004 - Action Day Recital "Pinocchio's Adventures" 5/14
Action Day annual recital at the CPA "Pinocchio's Adventures" Show date 5/14 @ 7pm on DVD
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ActDay5-15DVD 2004 - Action Day Recital "Pinocchio's Adventures" 5/15
Action Day annual recital at the CPA "Pinocchio's Adventures" Show date 5/15 @ 2pm on DVD
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AtlasDVD 2004 - Atlas School of Dance Recital
Atlas School of Dance 33rd annual dance recital "I Am A Dancer 4 the Love of It" held at Santa Clara University theatre to benefit Jacob's heart. DVD
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BranhamDVD 2004 - Branham Dance Center Recital
Branham Dance Center recital performed on June 26th at the Center for the Performing Arts.
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BubbaGong6-4DVD 2004 - Bubba Gong Dancers June 4th
Bubba Gong Dancers production of "FIRED UP!" on June 4th at Foothill College. This show is sure to "Light your Fire" with it's fabulous production quality and it's Hot Hot Dancing!
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BubbaGong6-5DVD 2004 - Bubba Gong Dancers June 5th
Bubba Gong Dancers production of "FIRED UP!" on June 5th at Foothill College. This show is sure to "Light your Fire" with it's fabulous production quality and it's Hot Hot Dancing!
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DancynDVD 2004 - Dancyn Studio Dance Recital
Dancyn Studio's 1st annual recital "BABY I'M A STAR" held on July 29th at the Heritage Theatre
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ElCaminoTimeWarpDVD 2004 - El Camino High School Dance "TIME WARP"
El Camino High School's annual dance recital "THE TIME WARP" performed on May 22nd.
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LincolnStepsDVD 2004 - Lincoln High School Dance Recital
Lincoln High School Dance Recital "STEPS 2004" performed on April 3rd 2004.
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MillsMagicalCircusDVD 2004 - MilsMontessori "Mills Magical Circus"
Mills Montessori end of school year program. This year is the colorful and entertaining "Mills Magical Circus" performed on June 12th.
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MissionDance1230pmDVD 2004 - Mission Dance and Performing Arts Dance Recital 12:30pm
Mission Dance and Performing Arts Dance recital at Chabot College on June 27th performed at 12:30pm
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MissionDance600pmDVD 2004 - Mission Dance and Performing Arts Dance Recital 6:00pm
Mission Dance and Performing Arts dance recital at Chabot College on June 27th performed at 6:00pm
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NCCPdvd 2004 - North Peninsula Philharmonic Chorus
The North Peninsula Philharmonic Chorus and North Peninsula Youth Chorus present "Fantasia of the Silk Road" at Canada College on June 12th. Talented chorus groups singing to enchanted original compositions based on the Silk Road traditions. Conducted by Pisin Chen.
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PleasantonCarouselDVD 2004 - Pleasanton Playhouse "Carousel"
Pleasanton Playhouse production of "CAROUSEL" at the Amador Theater July 10th.
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SanCarlosBalletDVD 2004 - San Carlos Ballet "A Weekend of Dance"
San Carlos Ballet performance at the Notre Dame de Namur University Theatre on June 20th.
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SMHSrecitalDVD 2004 - San Mateo HS dance recital
San Mateo High School anuual dance recital "Bearcasts in Motion" on May 13th
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SaratogaAnnieDVD 2004 - Saratoga Drama Group "Annie Get Your Gun" 10/10
Saratoga Drama Group's presentation of "Annie Get Your Gun" on October 10, 2004
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SequoiaDanceDVD 2004 - Sequoia High School Dance
Sequoia High School "Dance 2004" at Carrington Hall on June 4th.
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NotreDameXmasDVD 2004 - "A Christmas Carol" Notre Dame de Namur Univ.
"A Christmas Carol" as performed by the Performance Group and Notre Dame de Namur University on December 12th. A musical Christmas gift to the community.
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AztlanDVD 2004 - Aztlan Academy "FIESTA MEXICANA"
Aztlan Academy's production of "FIESTA MEXICANA" showcasing contemporary poetry, tradional music and song, and regional folk dance in a scenographic production. Performed October 31st at the Montgomery Theatre.
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AztlanXmasDVD 2004 - Aztlan Christmas Show "Nuestra Navidad"
Aztlan Academy 32nd Anniversary Christmas show "Nuestra Navidad" in downtown San Jose.
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BallardXmasDVD 2004 - Ballard Montessori Holiday Program
Ballard Montessori Holiday Program "Annie" on December 8th.
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CastilleroDVD 2004 - Castillero Middle School Annual CPA show
Castillero Middle school's annual CPA show "Rhythm of Life" performed on November 24th.
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BooksinXmasDVD 2004 - Booksin School Holiday Program
Booksin School Holiday Program at South Hills Community Church on December 6th.
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HillsdalePajamaGameDVD 2004 - Hillsdale High School Musical "Pajama Game"
Hillsdale High School's musical production of "The Pajama Game" on October 30th on DVD
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JordanHelloDollyDVD 2004 - Jordan MS "Hello Dolly"
Jordan Middle School's production of "Hello Dolly" on DVD.
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PleasantonEvitaDVD 2004 - Pleasanton Playhouse "EVITA"
Pleasanton Playhouse production of "EVITA" on October 24th at Amador Theatre.
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Rainbow-Xmas-DVD 2004 - Rainbow of Knowledge Holiday Program
Rainbow of Knowledge annual Holiday program on December 15th
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